Hi all!! add "up2date command after FC4test3 installation"

Namikawa, Shozo generic at olive.ocn.ne.jp
Tue May 17 04:31:29 UTC 2005

Jared Buck wrote:

> How's everyone?  I was excited to try out the rest3 version of FC4, it 
> installed flawlessly on my machine, and so far have not been 
> experiencing any problems except for when up2date freezes when it says 
> it's gathering a list of packages on my machine.  I read the messages 
> and apparently it's a common bug everyone's experiencing so I'm not 
> too worried about it.  I'm using yum update instead and that works fine.
> I like all the new features, but it did take me a little bit to get 
> used to where the configuration options are now (like add/remove 
> packages, etc), but they're in a much more logical position now than 
> they were before.  Also love all the stuff that comes with KDE now, 
> there's a ton of stuff I have yet to try out :)
> I've done beta testing before (I'm doing that now for an online game) 
> so I know to expect bugs and glitches, but aside from the bug I've 
> mentioned, test3's been working very well for me.
> Jared Buck
> Crestline, CA

After FC4test3 installation, considerable time has gone caused by 
up2date included extras-development,
it result to no exist ".rpm" or invalid "url".

Therefore, I up2date under development environment without 
with clearing /var/spool/up2date just before each operation of up2date.

1. preparation

 1.1 setting of "/etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources"

  1) comment out extras-development

    "#yum extras-development 
    "#yum-mirror extras-development 

 1.2 setting of "/etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date"

  1) alternative setting on up2date

    #up2date-config --nox

    7.  pkgSkipList        ['kernel*', 'GFS*', 'cman*', 'dlm*', 'gnbd*']
    18. useGPG             No
    19. headerCacheSize    1000
    33. headerFetchCount   1000

2. up2date --dry-run under up2date-4.4.17-1

  1) clear all .hdr under "/var/spool/up2date"
  2) #up2date --dry-run
  3) ==> get avairable package

3. up2date up2date*  (up2date-4.4.17-1 -> up2date-4.4.18-1)

  1) clear all .hdr under "/var/spool/up2date"
  2)#up2date up2date*

4. up2date --dry-run under up2date-4.4.18-1

  1) clear all .hdr under "/var/spool/up2date"
  2) #up2date --dry-run
  3) ==> get avairable package

5. up2date all

  1) clear all .hdr under "/var/spool/up2date"
  2) "#up2date "[C-x]*"

If failed, try each step.

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