Mono Stack on Fedora

Jacob Kroon jacob.kroon at
Mon May 30 15:21:41 UTC 2005

Justin Conover wrote:

>On 5/30/05, Keith Sharp <kms at> wrote:
>>On Sun, 2005-05-29 at 10:38 -0700, Scott wrote:
>>>Kyrre Ness Sjobak wrote:
>>>>lør, 28.05.2005 kl. 03.29 skrev seth vidal:
>>>>>On Fri, 2005-05-27 at 18:04 -0700, Teak Billard wrote:
>>>>>>Would Fedora Extras be the place to have Mono
>>>>>>available then or another repository such as Dag?
>>>>>fedora extras is under the same legal restrictions as fedora core.
>>>>Hmm.. What about some "semi-official" repo like livna, but with
>>>>mono-stuff (Mpackage?)
>>>I notice that the mono site has a yum repo for FC3, Is anything else required?
>>You would need to get the SRPMs and rebuild them for FC4T3 (and FC4
>>eventually).  It would also make sense to go over the SPEC files and
>>make sure they were meeting the requirements of the Extras project.
>>Finally you should check there is nothing the SPECs/RPMs that would
>>preclude them moving to Core should the legal/patents issues ever be
>>cleared up.
>I have used/rebuilt on rawhide in the past, the only problem
>I had was building on x86_64, has a yum.repo for just mono too, 
>Matthew Hall has i386/ppc for fc 2/3.  You could look at his spec
>files and start from there, or contact him for help/suggestions, small
>chance he would want to start something like Mpackage or maybe help
>maintain the packages. (not sure)
>"If you just want access to mono packages, you need to perform the
>following command (as the root user):
>rpm -ivh
For what its worth, Livna already has spec-files for Mono and Gtk-Sharp:

Mono -
Gtk-Sharp -

Although the gtk-sharp.spec file seems to be unaccesible at the moment.


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