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Jeff Spaleta jspaleta at gmail.com
Thu Apr 20 19:48:22 UTC 2006

On 4/20/06, Chris Adams <cmadams at hiwaay.net> wrote:
> That seems like a rather poor reason to move packages from Core to
> Extras (especially since it still has a race condition).  Wouldn't it be
> better to fix the build system?

Who has access to fix it? Among those people who's making fixing it a
priority?  I think ive been pretty clear here... automation of the
build process is the better answer. But as long as the Core build
system is completely opaque, those in the community who want to "fix"
it do not have the access. So while you are free to point out the
obvious without the ability to actually do anything.. I'd much rather
move this crap over into the Extras system where there is in fact more
access for community to work on the buildsystem and enhance it.

-jef"Hold your breath for this to be fixed in Core's build system.. I
dare you"spaleta

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