broken iptables work around

Jim Cornette fct-cornette at
Fri Jan 27 00:21:54 UTC 2006

Jason Montleon wrote:
> I got iptables to work by downloading and installing the source rpm for 
> the kernel and editing the spec file for the kernel to remove the git4 
> patch.  I compiled the kernel and installed, and now iptables appears to 
> be working... this was using the 1871_FC5 source...
> Cpl Montleon

So what features are enhanced by the git4 patch? I realize that it kills 
the firewall (or at least causes error output when iptables is started)

Basically, is it worth pursuing the patch and making changes to get 
iptables cleanly functional or would removing the patch and waiting for 
further development and inclusion to the kernel source without patching.


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