Trying to follow JPackage installations per Paul Howath per FC4 for FC5

Dan Thurman dant at
Fri Mar 31 20:57:23 UTC 2006


I am trying to get a Java development environment setup and
I was directed to follow the FC4 jpackage instructions but
for FC5 and apparently the first thing required was to install
fedora-rpmdevtools from the extras repository but this file
is nowhere to be found!

All I got for the list is:

fedora-buildrpmtree     Create RPM build tree within user's home
fedora-installdevkeys   Install GPG keys in alternate RPM keyring
fedora-kmodhelper       Helper script for building kernel module RPMs
fedora-md5              Display the md5sum of all files in an RPM
fedora-newrpmspec       Creates new .spec from template
fedora-rmdevelrpms      Find (and optionally remove) "development" RPMs
fedora-rpmchecksig      Check package signatures using alternate RPM
fedora-rpminfo          Prints information about executables and
fedora-rpmvercmp        RPM version comparison checker
fedora-extract          Extract various archives, "tar xvf" style
fedora-diffarchive      Diff contents of two archives
fedora-wipebuildtree    Erase all files within dirs created by
spectool                Expand and download sources and patches in

So - where is it... or is this step omitted for FC5 now?

Kind regards,

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