A problem updating FC6 with yum.

Jason L Tibbitts III tibbs at math.uh.edu
Wed Jan 31 01:51:22 UTC 2007

>>>>> "GRG" == George R Goffe <grgoffe at yahoo.com> writes:

GRG> Howdy, I've been getting error messages for the past couple of
GRG> days (see below). Am I doing something wrong or is this a "bug"?

You will need to wait until PyQt-qscintilla is rebuilt against the new

GRG> Error: Missing Dependency: PyQt = 3.16 is needed by package
GRG> PyQt-qscintilla

PyQt was just updated yesterday so I'm not sure how you could have
seen this error before then, but in any case, there's a dependency
problem there.  What's odd is that I don't recall this showing up in
the broken dependency report.

Feel free to file a ticket against PyQt-qscintilla if there isn't
already one open.  I'm sure Rex (the maintainer of said package) will
have this fixed quickly.

If course, if you aren't actually using PyQt-qscintilla then you
should consider removing it; this should also get your update to
progress further.

 - J<

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