Xen patched kernel packages

Daniel P. Berrange berrange at redhat.com
Tue Jul 31 13:38:59 UTC 2007

On Tue, Jul 31, 2007 at 11:44:53AM +0400, 2004 ruffneck wrote:
> Good day to everyone!
> As a long term Fedora [Core] tester I wonder, why fedora's packagers made 
> multiple kernel srpms: with and without Xen patchset? Why not just create 
> a single kernel SRPM with kernel-*.config and kernel-xen-*.config? And 
> disable xen support with non xen configs? And now, when Xen was merged to 
> upstream to 2.6.23, what's the plan of unification kernel packages? Thank
> you very much.

We separated the Xen kernel from the bare metal kernel because porting
Xen from the ancient XenSource delivered kernelss to current LKML state 
of the art was taking too much time. Xen porting was delaying updates 
of bare metal kernels to an unacceptable degree.

As for Xen being merged upstream, while we welcome it, it is of no use to
Fedora at this time because it is far from feature complete, nor does it
have the architecture coverage we need


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