Rawhide DVD images

John Summerfield debian at herakles.homelinux.org
Thu Oct 25 09:08:30 UTC 2007

Todd Denniston wrote:
> Jesse Keating wrote, On 10/24/2007 02:09 PM:
>> I've put up a set of rawhide DVD images.  If it had signed copies of
>> the packages it could be considered RC1, but since it doesn't, it
>> isn't.  However as many eyes on it as possible would be great.  We
>> don't get that many opportunities to test DVD install methods and such.
>> As always, images are available from http://torrent.fedoraproject.org


As I understand it, IAPs hate filesharing. They often cache popular 
stuff locally - I can get clarkconnect, fedora, opensuse, ubuntu & 
debian (and more) from my local mirror, and there's movie trailers and 
other stuff there too. They do it to save bandwidth; it makes little 
difference to users where they get stuff, but if stuff doesn't come from 
their allowance then there's some incentive to use the local mirrors.

Some, but apparently not all (I can't find Westnet's) also use caching 
proxies to reduce downloads, and enter into sharing arrangements with 
other Internet Access Providers in their are.

However, torrents bypass all this. In consequence the IAPs have to pay 
more for infrastructure and for their downloads, and these extra costs 
are passed on to users.

They're good for originating servers, but for nobody else.



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