Bad rendering FF beta 5

Felix Miata mrmazda at
Sun Apr 6 18:16:37 UTC 2008

On 2008/04/06 08:21 (GMT-0700) trife22 at apparently typed:

> I'm also disappointed most sites i visit only use half my screen by placing all content in the middle with 2-3 inches of whitespace on each side, but i guess that has to do with the site not being made for widescreen laptops, anything i can do to to use all my laptop realestate?

Short term, complain to their owners. Long term, do the same, plus seek out those that understand the difference between magazine pages hosted on the web for the pleasure of web designers, and pages actually designed for
web browsers and real web users. For the overabundance of unclued (fixed width designs), point them to pages like

If you're really ambitious, for sites you frequent, you can rewrite the CSS on a per site basis and have Firefox override the site's CSS with yours. Examples of some I have used are in
"Either the constitution controls the judges, or the
judges rewrite the constitution." Judge Robert Bork

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

Felix Miata  ***

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