NTFS fstab issues

Christopher L Tubbs II ctubbsii at emich.edu
Thu May 8 03:11:14 UTC 2008

Ok, I'm having some issues with mounting an ntfs partition in fstab. 
Perhaps I am just doing something wrong, and maybe somebody here can 
tell me what it is, before I file a bug report...

The following line mounts perfectly as root, but will not work as a 
normal user:

/dev/sda2 /mnt/windows ntfs-3g defaults,users,noatime,sync,noauto 0 0

The command I'm using from the command line both as root and as normal 
user is: mount /dev/sda2

Permissions on /mnt/windows is rwx for everybody. It also doesn't matter 
if I specify the type to be ntfs, ntfs-3g, or auto. Nor does it matter 
if I have the defaults option prior to the others or not.

On a side note, I've noticed that the verbose flag for mount does 
nothing, unless I mount as type "auto", then it only says a "I will try 
ntfs" message (this message appears as both root and normal user). 
Shouldn't it show some messages when it fails?


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