Will shared swap bite me?

John Summerfield debian at herakles.homelinux.org
Tue Nov 4 03:44:37 UTC 2008

Bill Davidsen wrote:
> John Summerfield wrote:

> I've been running pure 64-bit Fedora and SL5 with no problems that 
>> concerned me: I don't know what, if any, browser plugins work, and 
>> don't really care. I don't like flash!
> What has "like" to do with it? Both my professional (meeting replays and 
> training sessions) and personal (news) life requires both flash and 
> realaudio. I can't really see remaining ignorant of what's going on in 
> the world because it's not served on the right format. And I sure can't 
> see having a Windows machine just to keep informed.
> I really can't see ignoring things I don't like, ignorance is *not* 
> bliss, old sayings aside.
You might have a use for flash. When I need flash, I will use it, but 
that rarely happens, and never  has on the 64-bit Linux systems I mentioned.

I don't have a problem with news sans moving pictures. If it's not on 
the wireless and not in the paper (rubbish tho the paper might be), and 
not on one of my favourite 'net news sites, it's way too much news for 
my poor brain.

75 basis points is all the news I need today. :clap: :clap: :clap:



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