Problem setting up wired networking

Jesse Keating jkeating at
Wed Nov 12 18:26:44 UTC 2008

On Wed, 2008-11-12 at 11:10 -0700, Michal Jaegermann wrote:
> And how that is supposed to happen without a reboot if renames occur
> only if a name was 'localhost' or 'locahost.localdomain' and only
> the first time an interface was going up after a reboot?  That person
> who implemented that for 'network' service had some clue.
> If you rebooted then all your objections are an undiluted garbage.

The problem was that your initial hostname would get set to something
like dhcp49.homelan.blah and it would resolve out to or
some such.  Then you'd to go a coffee shop and you'd have a problem.
Either your hostname would have to change, or the hosts entry for what
it resolved to would have to change, because your address is changing.
And if that previous address is still resolvable via dns (think vpn
access back to the home) you're now overriding dns which is wrong.

The work around I had was to set hostname up once, resolve it to and call it a day.  Nothing would ever fiddle with my hostname
nor it's resolution and I could hop networks with ease.

Jesse Keating
Fedora -- Freedom² is a feature!
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