BugZappers Meeting Recap for 2009-04-28

TK009 john.brown009 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 29 03:10:55 UTC 2009

The meeting recap and full IRC transcript can be found here:

Please make any corrections and clarifications to that page.

= Bug Triage Meeting :: 2009-04-28 =

== Attendees ==
* adamw
* arxs
* dearka
* iarlyy
* mcepl
* poelcat

== Topics of Discussion ==
* Housekeeping - 
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/BugZappers/HouseKeeping/Fedora11 - 
poelcat will get the requests and templates ready for the "Mass Change 
Specification" with assistance from arxs , generating the queries, 
adding links and spot check the query.

* Triage Metrics - Problems with python continue to delay the completion 
of this task. Adamw and comphappy are to work toward a solution. The 
problem is, a small amount of the code needs to be ported to python 2.4. 
Anyone that might be able to assist with this please contact comphappy. 
Your help would be much appreciated.

* Severity/priority  - 
http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Beland/Bugzilla_Legend - adamw will 
complete the final daft of Severity/priority developers proposal and 
send it on -devel.

* Bugzilla Bug Help - From the Bugzilla Team

In order to prioritize our workload we are asking that people look 
through the current open 3.2 bugs in Bugzilla and vote for the ones they 
feel are the most in need of attention. There are quite a few RFE's left 
over from the 2.18 to 3.2 migration as well as new ones that have come 
in since.

Each Bugzilla user has 100 votes that they can use and you can spread 
them around as you prefer.
If you think one bug is more important than another then use more votes 
towards it.

To vote, click the (Vote) link next to the bug severity drop down for 
the bug. You will see current vote information for that bug as well as 
update your own number.

For a list of non-RFE bugs that the Bugzilla team has accepted:

For a list of RFE bugs that the Bugzilla team has accepted:

For those who would like to participate we ask that you vote within the 
next two weeks if possible so we can go ahead and plan our workload 

Bugzilla Team

All Bugzilla users are encouraged to assist in this effort, so give them 
hand and help out if you can.


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