Ah...the rawness...

birger birger at birger.sh
Sat Jul 11 22:54:12 UTC 2009

Just to follow up... After todays update the sky is blue, the birds are
singing, the lawns are green, the kids are asleep and the world is
perfect. Almost :-)

The keyboard is back to a correct layout again it seems.

Bluetooth finally works again! Connecting my phone was wonderfully easy.
Connecting a headset and using it was also very easy.

Suspend/resume works again. Also sorely missed.

cairo-dock has some display artifacts. But they have moved to rpmfusion
so I'll have to go there to report it.

Sound seems more stable, but still starts with the individual
application volume controls set to 0.

Right-clicking on a misspelled word in evolution and selecting the
correct spelling crashes evolution.

If I leave the system for long enough it still becomes completely
unresponsive. Could be the X powersaving kicking in?


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