copy paste problem.

Andrew Daviel (adaviel) no-reply-gw at
Tue Jul 14 08:43:53 UTC 2009

Middle mouse has worked for me since, um, 1990 or so under Xfree86 and SunOS before that. It's one of the significant advantages of Linux over Windows etc. (ctrl-C means "send the current process a SIGINT"; this microsoft-emulation is for the birds..)

I just noticed a problem in FC10; I'd left a gnome-terminal running for several days and copy/paste had stopped working reliably - could sometimes paste, but not copy.
Starting a new instance seems OK. I think I'd seen that on FC9 too - after using a window for some time, it would screw up and then I'd have to kill it and start a new one.
(I had suddenly panicked and thought someone had deliberately broken it, or made it optional or something stupid)

Seriously, middle-mouse paste being broken is a major usability issue.

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