When will Fedora work again?

Martin Sourada martin.sourada at gmail.com
Sun Mar 8 18:25:41 UTC 2009

On Sun, 2009-03-08 at 17:10 +0000, Leon Stringer wrote:
> Al Dunsmuir wrote:
> > 
> > It seems strange (and sad) that so soon into the life of a release major
> > regressions can happen... followed by a deafening science.  There  seems  to  be
> > very  little urgency (or developer time/focus) on fixing this in F10.  Rawhide
> > may be important... but only if existing releases can actually be used in real life.
> > 
> Exactly. I can't test or contribute if it doesn't work and there 
> *appears* to be little interest to resolve this. (Maybe there's just a 
> bigger focus on other chipsets and a limited number of developers).
> I now see that there are quite a few people with Intel controllers who 
> are in the same position and feeling pretty frustrated...
Hi Leon,

I think you might want to try using the vesa driver instead (if you
haven't tried already). I believe it has (very) limited support, in a
sense that it should be able to start X, but not very good resolution,
acceleration, etc., on a pretty wide range of hardware... Not sure if
your particular video card is vesa compatible, but its probably worth a

As to why your issue goes unnoticed, I'd guess it's a combination of
developers being low in number and focusing more or mainstream (and
modern) hardware and getting the kernel mode-setting work. You might
want (if you hadn't already) to file a bug upstream [1] to get attention
of more intel driver developers. Would be also nice to try out some
other recent distos (like opensuse, mandriva or ubuntu; most of them
have live cds, so you'd be able to see if it works without the need to
install it) to see how much specific to fedora and driver version this
issue is.

Plus, if you have enough spare time, you could try to bisect between
which exact versions of the i810 driver it stopped working. If it could
be narrowed into one single offending patch (but it is not easy to do
that and it is a rather time consuming and boring process) that would be
really helpful for devs, I think.


[1] http://intellinuxgraphics.org/
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