Intel video testing: It worked for a bit...

Leon Stringer leon.stringer at
Sat Mar 14 20:23:04 UTC 2009

Robert Arendt wrote:
> Leon Stringer wrote:
>> After the many comments and suggestions following my post last week I
>> tried F11A on my Intel D845GERG2-based system.
>> Anaconda didn't work with the default driver (same bug as #470371 in
>> F10) but worked fine with the Basic Video Driver option.
>> First boot, black screen but setting Option "NoAccel" "true" fixed that
>> (using the VESA driver).
>> So I could get into X, set up my Wi-Fi card and download the updates.
>> Now it doesn't work again!
>> Advice and assistance gratefully received,
> The xorg-x11-drv-nouveau should be irrelevant if you're using intel 
> graphics.
> Also, you should use xorg-x11-drv-intel-2.6.0-14.fc11.i586.rpm for
> the latest;  Yum/rawhide changed me from -i810 to -intel at some point.
> I have a intel 845G/GL[Brookdale-G] 8086:2562 rev3 on a Dell laptop.
>  From yesterday's testing:
> .. it appears the KMS (on by default) doesn't set up the 845G correctly.
> Boot with "nomodeset" on the kernel boot line.
> If the screen goes black, toggle around the VT's (clt-alt-Fn) to restore 
> it.
> With nomodeset, the text VT backlights always work.  There seems to be a
> race condition in re-enabling the screen backlight with the intel Xserver.

Bob: Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, I can't get this to work for 
me. I did:

   rpm -e --nodeps xorg-x11-drv-i810


   rpm -i xorg-x11-drv-intel-2.6.0-14-fc11.i586

And I've tried all the tests I think could possibly work:

1. Driver "intel": Screen flashes blank, then back text mode a few times 
before staying black, cursor in top left, system locked up.
2. Driver "intel"+nomodeset: X attempts to load, see mouse cursor 
briefly, then blank, system locked up
3. Driver "intel"+NoAccel: Screen flashes blank, then back text mode a 
few times before staying black, system locked up
4. Driver "intel"+NoAccel+nomodeset: X attempts to load, see mouse 
cursor briefly, then blank, system locked up, no VTs
5. Driver "intel"+XXA: Screen flashes blank, then back text mode a few 
times before staying black, cursor in top left, system locked up
6. Driver "intel"+XXA+nomodeset: X attempts to load, see mouse cursor 
briefly, then blank, system locked up, no VTs
7. Driver "vesa"+NoAccel+nomodeset: X attempts to load, see mouse cursor 
briefly, then blank, system locked up
8. Driver "vesa"+NoAccel: X attempts to load, see mouse cursor briefly, 
then blank, system locked up
9. Driver "vesa"+XXA: X attempts to load, see mouse cursor briefly, then 
blank, system locked up
10. Driver "vesa"+XXA+nomodeset: X attempts to load, see mouse cursor 
briefly, then blank, system locked up
11. Driver "vesa": X attempts to load, see mouse cursor briefly, then 
blank, system locked up
12. Driver "vesa"+nomodeset: X attempts to load, see mouse cursor 
briefly, then blank, system locked up

Some of these combinations may not make sense, but I've tried to be 

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