Urgent bug triaging task: installer blocker bugs for the beta

John5342 john5342 at googlemail.com
Wed Mar 18 20:31:31 UTC 2009

2009/3/18 iarly selbir <iarlyy at gmail.com>

> What to do in this cases:
> 1 - The bugs status should be preserved as NEW, because I changed a bug to
> ASS and devel back to NEW ( 490660 )

It is possible that the maintainer felt the bug was incomplete or as is
sometimes the case they have a different interpretation of the purposes of
the states

> 2 - Some bugs already have other blocks alias like FedoraServerTracker,
> AnacondaStorage ( 487669, 484983 )

It is ok for a bug to block more than one other bugs. If these bugs are
worthy of F11Blocker/F11Beta/F11Target/etc then add them

> 3 - Some bugs already have F11Blocker or F11Beta, but status is NEW, keep
> it? ( 490515 )

It is sometimes the case that it is known to be serious enough that it
should block one of the tracker bugs but not enough information is known to
call the bug "complete"

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those who don't...
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