yum update from F10 to rawhide

M A Young m.a.young at durham.ac.uk
Mon Mar 23 23:46:11 UTC 2009

On Mon, 23 Mar 2009, MartinG wrote:

> I'm still not sure I've got everything straight, as I've got
> audit-libs-1.7.12-3.fc11.x86_64.rpm from
> koji, but the .i586 version was not available (and I've got a canon
> printer connected to the system,
> and that (crappy) driver drags along some i386/i586 stuff).
> Only audit-libs-1.7.12-2.fc11.i586.rpm is available, which I had to
> force in, as it is one tick behind.

Perhaps you don't need it at all. The error
Transaction Check Error:
   package audit-libs-1.7.12-3.fc10.x86_64 (which is newer than
audit-libs-1.7.12-2.fc11.i586) is already installed
   file /etc/libaudit.conf from install of audit-libs-1.7.12-2.fc11.i586
conflicts with file from package audit-libs-1.7.12-3.fc10.x86_64
shows that the dependency resolution has pulled in 
audit-libs-1.7.12-2.fc11.i586 but audit-libs.i586 (or .i386) can't be 
already installed because it would match the x86_64 version. The reason it 
has been dragged in will be that some package, such as audit-libs-python, 
says that it needs audit-libs = 1.7.12-2 but can't use 
audit-libs-1.7.12-2.fc11.x86_64 because the later 
audit-libs-1.7.12-3.fc10.x86_64 is already installed, so the dependency 
resolver picks audit-libs-1.7.12-2.fc11.i586 instead which does provide 
audit-libs = 1.7.12-2 (audit-libs-python would require x86_64 libaudit 
library(s) as well but these would be much less dependant on the precise 
package version so audit-libs-1.7.12-3.fc10.x86_64 will satisfy them).

Hence you get the audit-libs-1.7.12-2.fc11.i586 package and maybe other 
extra i586 packages (or you would do if it didn't conflict) when it isn't 
really want you want, because the dependency resolver is just doing its 
best to get you out of an impossible situation.

 	Michael Young

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