
James Lawrie james at
Wed Aug 25 21:05:21 UTC 2010

Hey list,


I'm interested in joining the Fedora Bug Zapper team. I don't have as much
experience with Fedora as I would like (been running it as a server since
FC12 and only installed the desktop last night) but I am familiar with
CentOS 5.* and I'm a RHCE.


I'm James Lawrie, 23 from the UK and I work as a Linux Engineer (mostly
technical support) for a hosting company. I've been using GNU/Linux for
about 4 years, roughly 2 years commercially. Aside from the OS, I'm
competent with Perl and Java and I'm learning C in my spare time.


I'll be on IRC as much as I can under the nicks jdlawrie or stwange, and if
anyone is available for a bit of tutoring I'd love a push in the right
direction with triaging.


I can be contacted over IRC, this email address, or twitter (@stwange).




James Lawrie.



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