Why was a kernel-2.6.34 pushed to updates that had un-addressed bugs.

Andre Robatino robatino at fedoraproject.org
Thu Sep 2 07:42:55 UTC 2010

Rodd Clarkson <rodd <at> clarkson.id.au> writes:

> Ah, and here I guess lies the problem.  The email from the fedora engineers
(some weeks ago) quite clearly
> stated not to give this kernel karma points so that it didn't get pushed until
they were sure it wouldn't cause > issues, so I haven't been giving it negative
karma as a result.

The email probably said not to give _positive_ karma (the only kind that
triggers a push) immediately, so people with problems would have a chance to
provide negative karma first. I doubt there's ever a good reason to delay
negative karma, when it's clear that a bug exists.

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