Nice-to-have bug trackers

Christopher Beland beland at
Mon Sep 20 00:01:52 UTC 2010

Seems like a fine idea if the release engineering people actually use it
and the overhead to maintain it isn't excessive.

It would be nice to eliminate the "nice to have" in a different sense
bug trackers - like F15Target (which isn't currently blocking anything)
to prevent confusion and wasted effort.  Apparently it's not really used
for anything except giving ourselves false hope.

Perhaps it would be good if the wiki had a page answering the common
question, "What do I do if I think my bug is very important and I want
it fixed ASAP?"

The answer seems to be:
* Set the Severity appropriately
* Make sure the bug is in good order according to
* If it violates the Release Criteria, nominate it for a tracking bug
* Report it upstream, too, if it's cross-distribution
* Submit a patch

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