Failed to load SELinux policy ????

Brian Millett bmillett at
Mon Apr 4 17:46:04 UTC 2011

On Tue, 2011-04-05 at 03:27 +1000, Steven Haigh wrote:
> We're just discussing this in #fedora-qa...


CC'd to that bug.  Now, patience my young padawan.

There is another bug, but it has to deal with relabeling of the
filesystem.  Since I've never had selinux enabled, that can't be it.
Brian Millett - [ Delenn and Sinclair, "The Gathering"]
"Why Babylon 5? If the prior four stations were lost or destroyed, why
    build another?"
'Plain old human stubbornness I guess. When something we value is destroyed,
    we rebuild it. If its destroyed again, we rebuild it again...and again
    and again and...again. Until it stays. That as our poet Tennison once
    said is the goal: to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.'

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