Universal Access -> Screen Reader on/off -> lots of crashes

Michael Schwendt mschwendt at gmail.com
Tue Apr 26 09:49:10 UTC 2011

I've been exploring the "Universal Access Setting" dialog. After I turnt
on the "Screen Reader", I turnt it off again, and gnome-settings-daemon

Repeating the turn on/off test, gnome-shell crashed and logged me out. The
backtrace for that is filed. The backtrace for the previous crash is
completely unusable.

After I had logged in again, two "festival --server" processes were
running, and Screen Reader could not be turnt off despite the setting
saying "OFF".

Repeating the turn on/off test once more, I received a series of crash
notifications at the bottom: nm-applet, seapplet, gnome-settings-daemon
and evolution-alarm-notify.

What's going on here?

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