yum reinstall using non-identical packages with same EVR

Andre Robatino robatino at fedoraproject.org
Sun Feb 27 11:50:09 UTC 2011

Andre Robatino <robatino <at> fedoraproject.org> writes:

> Well, I know it looks odd, but I'm not trying to be perverse, on the
> contrary. I needed to generate F14 deltarpm binary rpms that use the new
> compression, but wanted to use no more than necessary from F15. It's
> necessary to use F15's xz packages, obviously, but it turns out that the
> F14 deltarpm src package works as long as rpmbuild is run while the F15
> xz packages are installed.

Actually, at the moment the EVR of the F14, F15, and rawhide deltarpm packages
are the same except for the disttag (deltarpm-3.6-0.6.20110223git.fc14,
deltarpm-3.6-0.6.20110223git.fc15, deltarpm-3.6-0.6.20110223git.fc16) so even if
I used one of the others, the resulting F14 rpmbuild rpms would still have the
same EVR as the regular F14 packages.

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