Component responsible for keyboard layout settings

Vitezslav Humpa vhumpa at
Tue Mar 8 16:15:14 UTC 2011

Hey everybody,

does anybody know which component is responsible for the system keyboard layout settings?
Found a bug when certain layouts selected during install are ignored by the system 
(GNOME etc. get's them fine, I am mean e.g. in tty).

Proper option is passed to kernel (KEYTABLE=cz-lat2) on bootup and /etc/sysconfig/keyboard is also configured properly.
However in tty2 etc., english layout is used. This relates to bug 68290[1] as user is unable to type his disk encryption
password if it had non-english characters. This behavior occurred when setting cz-querty layout and the default Slovak, 
which are the ones I tried so far.


Vita Humpa


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