Sorted Blocker Display

Tim Flink tflink at
Tue Dec 4 23:27:51 UTC 2012

We still have quite a few proposed blockers for F18 final and could use
some more votes in bug. Instead of sending out email after email of
bugs that could use voting or testing, I wrote some code to help me
keep track of the bug states and display a reasonably up-to-date list
of the bugs.

I know it's ugly, isn't awesome at detecting votes in-bug and has
issues with non-ascii characters but IMHO, it works for now. I don't
want to put too much effort into the code behind this because I hope we
won't need it for long but I'll probably make some small improvements
before F18 final is released.

Proposed Blockers in Need of Testing:

Anyhow, if you have the time and inclination, please go through that
list and help pick off bugs that either need testing or voting.


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