F17 ALpha TC2

Michael Schwendt mschwendt at gmail.com
Thu Feb 16 20:50:09 UTC 2012

F17 Alpha TC2 install completed. Rough times ahead. Lots of issues
with default GNOME Desktop install:

 * Firstboot had the NTP time server option greyed out.

 * GDM refused to let me log in.

 * Virtual console refused to let me log in. Not superuser either.
   Error message was cleared too quickly. Permission denied?

 * No option to Reboot. Only Suspend.

Used the box's reset button. Rebooted with SELinux set to permissive.

 * GDM login succeeded.

 * ABRT applet notification icon at the bottom. Clicked it, but it didn't
   display any issues.

 * Network Manager stuck in a loop trying to bring up a secondary LAN
   connection, which is offline currently. It fails, but retries.

 * Network Manager didn't bring up my primary DHCP based connection. Why not?

 * Opened "Network Settings". Toggled off the secondary connection, tried
   to turn ON the primary one. It switched back to OFF and stayed disconnected.

 * Opened terminal, ran "ifup p37p1". Voila, that worked at least.

 * audit.log is full of denied messages.

 * Running "reboot" killed GNOME Shell, but didn't progress. Didn't want to
   wait more than ~30 seconds for unknown timeouts, so rebooted by button

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