unable to run tests requiring "updates=http://jlaska.fedorapeople.org/updates/traceback.img" option

Andre Robatino robatino at fedoraproject.org
Thu Feb 23 20:14:08 UTC 2012

Kamil Paral <kparal <at> redhat.com> writes:

> Thanks, Andre. Please report it as a bug.
> (and try scp manually whether it works)

I was wrong - it DOES send the file to the remote system. The problem is that if
you don't specify the name of the file on the remote system (which people
wouldn't normally bother doing) instead of using the original name (like
abrt-upload-2012-02-23-19:56:43-583.tar.gz), it just uses "tmp", which is easy
to overlook (especially when you're sending it to the directory /tmp on the
remote system). Reported as https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=796899 .

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