A question about "Software rendering for gnome-shell"

Kamil Paral kparal at redhat.com
Fri Feb 24 10:55:20 UTC 2012

> Almost all FC17 kernels are debug kernels. A quick way to tell if
> you're
> using one is:
> grep -i CONFIG_ACPI_DEBUG /boot/config-`uname -r`
> 'not set' = release kernel. 'Y' = debug kernel.
> The kernel team is building one kernel per upstream kernel release (I
> think that's it) as 'release' not 'debug', 

How can I find these 'release' kernels in Koji and distinguish them from 'debug' kernels?

Josh Boyer said that Fedora will use a release kernel from Beta through GA. Does that mean that Beta TC1 will contain a release kernel or it will be only in Final TC1?

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