TC6 resuls

Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R caf at
Thu Sep 6 15:45:44 UTC 2012

I downloaded the 64 bit TC6 ISOs.  The DVD image checksum failed.
The netinstall CD could not find a repository to load from.
The DVD installed a Gnome desktop, but the resultant Fedora
refuses to start a graphical desktop.

I was finally able to install a Gnome desktop using pxeboot et al.
The first few pxeboot installs stalled on a java package but I
was finally able to get a "gnome desktop" to install.  But it
didn't come up - I had to add a user (no firstboot) and then
that user was able to run Gnome.

The software management is brain dead, so I am running
yum update from a shell as I type this report.

Where is the TC8 that works flawlessly?

Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R     caf at
Developer of Industrial ZMODEM(Tm) for Embedded Applications
   Omen Technology Inc      "The High Reliability Software"
10255 NW Old Cornelius Pass Portland OR 97231   503-614-0430

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