F18 Alpha action needed: karma for blocker-fixing updates and votes on proposed blocker/NTH bugs

Adam Williamson awilliam at redhat.com
Sat Sep 8 01:14:19 UTC 2012

Hey, folks. We're definitely getting somewhere with 18 Alpha, finally: 
as things stand, we're one bug away from an RC compose.

Thanks for all the karma in response to the last request. We've pushed 
most of those builds stable now. Right now, the list of 
blocker/NTH-fixing builds that require karma is:


We don't have a DVD/netinst image with anaconda 18.6.6 in it yet, but 
now live install actually works, you can boot a live image and install 
it with yum localinstall then do a live install, to test it. I did that 
(well actually I composed a live image with that anaconda build 
included, but same difference) to give it my +1.

For osmo, just check you can install it without dependency issues, and 
give it a quick smoke test (I've done this myself and it seems fine).

For PackageKit, the normal testing is fine.

Apart from karma, it would really help if people (especially those who 
are experienced blocker voters) could vote on the current proposed 
blocker and NTH bugs, which are listed at 
http://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/current . You can vote in the 
bugzilla tickets, as myself and Johann already have - just add a comment 
with your vote and any rationale.

Thanks all!
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | identi.ca: adamwfedora

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