F18 Alpha action needed: karma for blocker-fixing updates and votes on proposed blocker/NTH bugs

Adam Williamson awilliam at redhat.com
Mon Sep 10 04:49:55 UTC 2012

On 2012-09-08 5:09, John Reiser wrote:
>> ... as things stand, we're one bug away from an RC compose.
> Please give an explicit list of the literal package names which would
> go into the RC compose, at least the ones that are not in fedora +
> fedora-updates.
> About 8 hours ago pungi aborted when I tried to compose a DVD from 
> fedora +
> fedora-updates + fedora-updates-testing (all using Fedora 18),
> complaining that grub/splash* did not exist.

TC/RC composes do not use updates-testing - that would negate the whole 
point of the release freeze.

> Pungi succeeded with fedora + fedora-updates + anaconda-18.6.6-1 [4 
> packages],
> but the full DVD.iso fails to boot.  Dracut aborts with "/dev/root
> does not exist".
> The netinst.iso gets the same dracut abort.

That's the correct package set, more or less. I don't know what problem 
you're hitting, but tflink, clumens or dgilmore may be able to advise 
(they've all done DVD/netinst composes with the F18 package set).

Packages that we pull into composes to fix blocker/NTH bugs go to this 
repo until they are pushed stable:


So if you add that repo - use 'fedora' plus that repo, you don't really 
need to use 'updates' as it is never populated for pre-releases - you 
should get something pretty close to TC6.

Updates that will likely be pulled for TC7/RC1 but which aren't yet 
stable are:


you may also want to make sure you use the latest lorax and pungi in 
the build environment:


Hope that helps, good luck...
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | identi.ca: adamwfedora

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