other random thoughts on f18 alpha rc3

cornel panceac cpanceac at gmail.com
Mon Sep 17 05:34:58 UTC 2012

attempting (and eventually succeeding) an install to a lenovo workstation,
i've encountered some problems. one is that any attempts to use custom
partitioning failed with a message like "can not create sdf4" (the last
partition). another is that there was no obvious way to tell the last
defined partition to use all the available space. another is that i could
not select what software to install if i did not select before the target.
and the last one i remember, after selecting during install the time zone,
and putting syncronized from network to off, and setting the clock
correctly by hand, at firstsetup i was again offered to enable the
"syncronized from network" option, and the clock was no longer correctly
set. attempting to enable ntpd ended in an error like "could not set
/etc/ntpd.conf", which gives no forward option. the syncronized from
network had to be reset in order to proceed further.

btw, the reason to attempt this install was that f17 could not install grub
to SAS (although it worked fine in f16. there's a bug somewhere about
this), and i wanted to check if this works in f18. i've found that indeed
it works.
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