TC3 final netinstall on

Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R caf at
Fri Jun 14 07:10:17 UTC 2013

I installed Fedora 19 TC3 via netinstall this evening.

Assuming you see this post, installation was generally successful.

I did note the Gnome network manager settings do no allow the ports'
zone to be set.  The Xfce network settings do include the zone.

And now I get the following before every shell prompt:

bash: command not found...

Where did this come from?  It is confusing.

      Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX   caf at
Developer of Industrial ZMODEM(Tm) for Embedded Applications
   Omen Technology Inc      "The High Reliability Software"
10255 NW Old Cornelius Pass Portland OR 97231   503-614-0430

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