Unstable virtualization

Ed Greshko Ed.Greshko at greshko.com
Fri May 31 16:01:09 UTC 2013

On 05/31/13 23:41, Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R wrote:
> The problems are with the Fedora virtual machine manager which
> is installed with "yum install @virtualization".  (Except that that
> Yum command often doesn't install some KVM functions.) 

To me that seems very vague.  What is not getting installed that need to be installed?

Have you ever filed a bugzilla on anything you've mentioned on this list?

Yesterday I ran into an issue with keyboard entry in KDE after 300+ packages were updated.  I asked if anyone could suggest how to narrow down which package was causing the problem.  Unfortunately, the time I asked was during the time when many people were sleeping.  So, I did not get the quick response I was itching for.  So, I spent a few hours to narrow it down to the "qt" package.  A bz was filed it it got a quick response/fix.

That, IMO, is how things need to work.

So, I really hope you'll make the effort to document the problems you're seeing and submitting a BZ.  It would be appreciated if you post the BZ # in this thread.

To sum it up....  Problems mentioned on this list are not guaranteed to gain attention. 

The only thing worse than a poorly asked question is a cryptic answer.

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