GNOME Shell freeze

Noah Menzi menzinoah at
Sat Nov 2 15:06:15 UTC 2013

On 02.11.2013 13:14, Michael Schwendt wrote:
> Is this reproducible by anyone?
> 1. open a single gnome-terminal
> 2. log in as root via "su -"
> 3. run gedit
> 4. try to open gedit's Preferences via the application specific menu
>    displayed on the top panel  (does it open? here, it doesn't)
> 5. try to trigger the "Activities" hotspot with the mouse
> What happens? Here the desktop freezes completely. One can still move
> the mouse, but that's all. Killing gedit and gnome-terminal doesn't
> achieve anything. If killing more processes, eventually the "Oh no..."
> screen appears, but upon trying to log back in at GDM, the desktop
> doesn't load.
I can reproduce this bug.
On my Fedora 19 it doesn't open the application specific menu of gedit,
but gnome doesn't freeze.
On my Fedora 20 it doesn't open the application specific menu and the
gnome desktop freezes completely. I can still move the mouse too.



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