gnome settings unexpected values

Chris Murphy lists at
Wed Sep 25 17:23:12 UTC 2013

On Sep 25, 2013, at 10:48 AM, Rick Stevens <ricks at> wrote:

> 	hostnamectl --static set-hostname f20s.localdomain
> 	hostnamectl --transient set-hostname oldmac.localdomain

OK so just did that and now I'm getting different behavior.

1. man hostnamectl says "The static hostname is stored in /etc/hostname, see hostname(5) for more information." And yet

[root at f20s ~]# hostname
[root at f20s ~]# hostname -f
hostname: Name or service not known
[root at f20s ~]# cat /etc/hostname

2. If I ssh to oldmac.local I get a "could not resolve hostname" message, if I ssh to f20s.local it works, yet I now get an oldmac prompt after logging out and back in:

[root at oldmac ~]# 

3. If I restart Avahi, now I have to ssh to oldmac.local instead of f20s.local. I cannot ssh to either oldmac.localdomain or f20s.localdomain, I get a "could not resolve hostname" message.

4. Gnome is still set to oldmac.localdomain.

Psychopathically complicated. Thanks Adam.

Chris Murphy

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