What's with Rawhide?

Bruno Wolff III bruno at wolff.to
Tue Dec 30 00:31:08 UTC 2014

On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 12:27:23 -0800,
>Rpmfusion has a rawhide repo but rawhide wants
>to see a Fedora 22 repo.

Currently rpmfusion's rawhide repo is just a pointer to their f21 repo.
This caused some problems a couple of weeks ago when ffmpeg couldn't 
work for both rawhide and f21 at the same time because of soname 
bump in a dependency. But thinmgs seem fine currently. Probably on new 
installs you are getting the default repos for an f21 install instead of 
rawhide. The repo files for both get installed and you can enable the 
rawhide ones and disable the others.

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