F20 beta virt-manager cannot create bridged network interface

Shawn Starr shawn.starr at rogers.com
Mon Jan 27 04:39:24 UTC 2014

> On 11/18/2013 07:13 PM, Richard Michael wrote: 

Reopening this thread,

I confirm this is still broken in Final Fedora 20.

Worse, NetworkManager bridge is broken in that the bridge interface never gets the IP address 
and if libvirtd tries to bring up a VM instance it never gets network connectivity.

One additional bad thing (which I just fixed), was my original working bridge setup. libvirtd 
silently fails to autostart a KVM instance until I destroyed my bridge setup, recreated it via:

# nmcli connection add con-name Bridge type bridge ifname bridge0
# nmcli connection add con-name Slave type ethernet mac AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF

This alone will not set/bind the IP on the bridge0 interface but on the actual interface, so 
while libvirt now autostarts the KVM VM instance, the VM has no external network 
connectivity as the bridge0 interface has no IP assigned to it...

I've encountered various problems with bridge networking and libvirtd/NetworkManager/virt-
manager and now with systemd-networkd (which does bridging)...

What exactly *IS* our official setup for Bridging support?? 

We've failed hard in 19/20 on bridging and it's burnt me so much, I want to add a test case for 
Fedora 21 on this, where can I do this?

I've CC'd myself to : https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1048351

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