F22: Evolution and gpg2 changes - repeatedly being asked for gpg passphrase while sending e-mail

Ankur Sinha sanjay.ankur at gmail.com
Thu Apr 16 14:16:59 UTC 2015


I've just used fedup to upgrade to f22. fedup worked really well 
(hooray!). Now that I'm down to using the system normally, I've 
noticed that I get asked for my gpg passphrase each time I send a gpg 
signed e-mail. This was not so in F21. Would someone know what has 
changed? This should be documented somewhere IMO - users that will 
notice this change should easily be able to find what's changed and if 
anything is being done about it.

Stephen pointed me to a bug he's already filed, but it doesn't have 
enough info on it yet:

Ankur Sinha "FranciscoD"

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