No GUI on booting F23 sometimes - system gets stuck

Michal Jaegermann michal.jnn at
Sat Oct 3 16:05:36 UTC 2015

On Sat, Oct 03, 2015 at 03:44:58PM +0100, Ankur Sinha wrote:
> I've recently noticed that my system doesn't always get to GDM on
> boot. I'm not sure what's causing it, but looking at the boot
> messages, it seems to get stuck around something to do with "User id 42".

You can check what is "User id 42" by typing

   id -n -u 42

(or by looking at id numbers in /etc/passwd).  Unless you were forcing
some id changes on your system you will most likely find that the answer
is "gdm". Surprise!

> I'm trying to get more info off journalctl but it doesn't have
> any. Any suggestions?

   systemctl -l status gdm

It is really hard to guess without any information what troubles you
may have and why.

> Oh, booting into run level 3 and then running startx seems to work.

How about 'telinit 5' instead here?  'systemctl default' should do the
same (one would hope so).


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