[Fedora-trans-es] Slogan translation

daniel cabrera h.daniel.cabrera at gmail.com
Tue May 5 14:46:00 UTC 2009

On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 1:47 PM, Paul W. Frields <stickster at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello intrepid translators!
> Since I got one question about translating the F11 slogan ("Reign"), I
> thought I should give some background information here that might help
> in your work.
> The slogan is in the form of a call to action or a verbal command,
> like previous slogans.
> The word "reign" means to rule, prevail, or predominate.  In one sense
> it's drawn from the way a king rules.  Leonidas was a king, but also
> his name comes from "lion," and lions are kings of the jungle.  This
> is also meant to show that Fedora and FLOSS help you rule over your
> computer, instead of the other way around.
> I hope this helps, and I think you can find the translation material
> here:
> https://translate.fedoraproject.org/tx/projects/fedora-web/master-fedoraproject/
> Thanks to everyone, again, for what's turning out to be an incredibly
> successful Fedora 11 release!

Buen día gente.

Solo por curiosidad, ¿como traducimos el slogan de la nueva versión?

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