Re: [Fedora-trans-fr] Traduction des posters de Máirín

Michaël Ughetto telimektar at
Sat Feb 9 12:02:49 UTC 2008

2008/2/9, Robert-André Mauchin <zebob.m at>:
> Máirín nous a concocté des posters sympas pour la promo de Fedora. Ça
> vous intéresse de les traduire ?
> Infinity :
> fedora focuses on technology.
> the latest stuff that's ready to run.
> fedora always leads, never follows,
> into the infinite unknown.
> no hesitation. no boundaries.
> Freedom :
> what sets fedora apart is freedom.  we do
> the right thing, even when we disagree
> with the rules. we won't compromise freedom
> and responsibility by relying on crutches.
> we seek free alternatives.
> Voice :
> fedora is created in an open community.
> anyone can join in and help determine
> fedora's destiny. fedora is made possible by
> the contributions of people around the world.
> everyone has a voice.

Pourquoi pas ?
Ca m'intéresse, on procède comment ?
On traduit le texte et tu modifies les sources où on touche
directement aux sources ?

Merci d'avance :)

0x8ECBA2A4 2007-10-18 Michael Ughetto (Telimektar)
<telimektar1er at> || <telimektar at>

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