[Fedora-trans-fr] [C] im-chooser 1f72u

Thomas Canniot thomas.canniot at mrtomlinux.org
Wed Mar 12 08:50:20 UTC 2008

Le Fri, 7 Mar 2008 00:29:14 +0100,
Gauthier Ancelin <gauthier.ancelin at laposte.net> a écrit :

> Effectivement, tu as raison. On va attendre un peu la prochaine mise
> à jour des stats, même si le .po de transiflex n'a pas l'air à jour
> non plus :-/.
> Gauthier.

Vous pouvez le reproposer.

<glezos> ankit: OK, I've found the bug with im-chooser. Someone changed
something on the repo side and all already checked-out copies (on our
PCs and on translete.fpo) just failed to update. <glezos> that's why
all dates at https://translate.fedoraproject.org/POT/im-chooser.trunk/
were "20 Feb" instead of today. <glezos> I cleared its cache and now
it's OK.

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