[Fedora-trans-fr] Fwd: Hervé Marcy - French

Thomas Canniot thomas.canniot at mrtomlinux.org
Sun Aug 29 15:08:28 UTC 2010

-------- Message original --------
Sujet: Hervé Marcy - French
Date : Sun, 29 Aug 2010 13:18:15 +0200
De : Hervé Marcy <herve.marcy at gmail.com>
Répondre à : Fedora Translation Project List <trans at lists.fedoraproject.org>
Pour : trans at lists.fedoraproject.org

Hello team,

I am new to the Fedora community, so let me introduce myself.

Name: Hervé Marcy (Hervé -pronounce [air][vey]- is the first name,
Marcy is my family name and I am male :) )
Location: Stuttgart, Germany
Login: herve
Language: French
Profession: Technical consultant
About You: I work at Hewlett-Packard, mainly with RHEL and HP-UX. I used
to translate for the Ubuntu community but I am more interested in Fedora
You and the Fedora Project: First I want to work on translations, I'll
see in the future if I can help in other areas
Fingerprint 80A3 4899 84F7 CDDE 0A8F  3030 8DF2 5C1B FDEA 20B8



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