[Fedora-trans-fr] New pal on board

Kévin Raymond shaiton at fedoraproject.org
Mon Jul 15 14:49:21 UTC 2013

Le lundi 15 juil. 2013 à 14:39:30 (+0200), Fabien Dupont a écrit : 
> Hi,
> My name is Fabien Dupont, I am 34, I live in France and work as a
> Cloud Architect for a great IT consulting company. Aside my
> professional activity I like to test Open Source softwares  and
> write some articles about it (iSCSI, DNS, LXC...). I know Jérôme
> Fenal quite well and when he asked if I would like to join the
> french translation team to help translating FreeIPA documentation I
> said yes. So, I am completing the community acceptance steps ;) and
> this little introduction is one of them.
> Looking forward to working with you.

Bonjour Fabien,
La bienvenue à toi.

Nous sommes là pour répondre à tes questions. On a des habitudes sur un
certain vocabulaire, mais il peut évoluer.

Kévin Raymond
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