Damned lies stats 4 days outage

Francesco Tombolini tombo at adamantio.net
Tue Feb 17 07:04:06 UTC 2009

[06:57]    <tombolinux>    please, can someone tell me the something
about the damned lies situation?
[07:00]    <abadger1999>    tombolinux: what's the problem?
[07:01]    <tombolinux>    the stats are completely at 0 values
[07:01]    <abadger1999>    Hmmm
[07:01]    <tombolinux>    it is so from 4 days
[07:02]    <tombolinux>    and I think that not all modules are displayed
[07:04]    <abadger1999>    tombolinux: Yeah.. looks like some are
working (for instance, rpm)
[07:04]    <abadger1999>    But most are not.
[07:04]    <abadger1999>    asgeirf: ping?
[07:05]    <tombolinux>   
[07:05]    <asgeirf>    abadger1999: hi
[07:05]    <tombolinux>   
[07:05]    <abadger1999>    asgeirf: Do you know what I should be
looking for to troubleshoot what's going on with damned lies?
[07:06]    <asgeirf>    abadger1999: hm... first look at the scratchdir
and see if it is 'clean'
[07:07]    <asgeirf>    abadger1999: but everything at 0 - that's new to
me :)
[07:07]    <abadger1999>    /var/lib/transifex/workdir/local-vcs
[07:08]    <abadger1999>    It is populated with checkouts
[07:09]    <asgeirf>    abadger1999: /var/tmp/l10n-data/scratchdir/
[07:09]    <asgeirf>    abadger1999: the other one is transifex..
[07:10]    <abadger1999>    asgeirf: cvs, git, and POT dirs populated
[07:10]    <abadger1999>    database.db file
[07:10]    <asgeirf>    abadger1999: hm... e.g. the anaconda dirs are empty
[07:11]    <abadger1999>    hmm.. only one subdir in each of the VCS dirs
[07:12]    <abadger1999>    In POT dir, there are directories full of
.po files.
[07:13]    <asgeirf>    perhaps try with a clean run (remove db +
scratchdir), rerun update-stats.
[07:14]    <asgeirf>    s/remove/rename/
[07:15]    <asgeirf>    abadger1999: i will announce the public test
server of DjL later this week, which should take away most of the pain
we've been having with DL
[07:15]    <abadger1999>    Nice :-)
[07:17]    <asgeirf>    abadger1999: fyi, when testing the old instance,
you can run update-stats on single modules by running python
update-stats.py [MODULE] as the apache user
[07:18]    <abadger1999>    asgeirf: Okay. Where do I see the list of
[07:19]    <asgeirf>    abadger1999: cat fedora-modules.xml.in |grep
"<module" or go to http://translate.fedoraproject.org/module/
[07:19]    <abadger1999>    Looks like update-stats.py [no modules]
encountered an error on the first project it tried.
[07:20]    * abadger1999    tries anaconda
[07:26]    <abadger1999>    chacha_chaudhry: Good question. I'm not
certain. I think you're right about push.
[07:26]    <abadger1999>    parent branch is where you originally
branched from
[07:26]    <abadger1999>    submit branch defaults to parent but can be
[07:26]    <abadger1999>    (and it's where push goes by default)
[07:28]    <asgeirf>    abadger1999: i think what might have happened to
DL is that someone has replaced the database (or at least cleaned the
database) without cleaning the ./POT/ dir for those modules. DLs
update-stats aborts when the PO file in ./POT is identical to the one
it's generating stats for, hence 0-stats
[07:29]    <asgeirf>    abadger1999: you'll probably notice for many
modules that it generates stats for the POT file, then exits
[07:29]    <abadger1999>    ah okay.
[07:59]    <abadger1999>    tombolinux: Go ahead and open a ticket
[07:59]    <tombolinux>    thank-you very much for your time.

Questa sera vedrò di aprire un ticket se non è già stato aperto.

Francesco Tombolini <tombo at adamantio.net> <tombo at fedoraproject.org>
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