Re: Fedora 12的新口号:Unite!中文翻译意见征集

Yuan Yijun bbbush.yuan at
Mon Nov 2 05:42:14 UTC 2009

2009/11/2 Tian Shixiong <tiansworld at>:
> 上次Fedora11的口号叫Reign,实在是不知道怎么翻译。
> 这次Fedora 12的叫Unite,比较容易。但是意思很多。
> 这个口号会出现到fedoraproject主页上。
> 目前翻译为“团结”, 不知各位兄弟,高手们有没有其它高见:

上次是狮子,所以感觉 Reign 与 “君临天下” 类似

这次是 chaos,不过看聊天记录(刚搜到的
),没什么特别含义。 提到“This works on a
few levels. Most importantly, Fedora unites the great work of
thousands into one fantastic whole. Historically, Constantine was the
first Emperor of Rome to practice religious tolerance, allowing one
Republic with many cultures (incidentally, he favored mono- rather
than poly-theism, another level), and is said to have united the Roman
Empire. Constantinople has been at the cross-roads of cultures
throughout its history, an important center of trade and power.
Thematically, the default artwork can be though to represent all the
parts of Fedora, coming together in an organized fashion to make
something greater. Foundationally: Features, all the many parts of
Fedora unite to form a whole; Friends, everybody uniting to make
something great; Freedom, people always unite to fight for their
freedoms. This could also be written "From Many, One", and bring in
some Virgil as a bonus, but that wouldn't fit the active stance rule.

那就是说“统一大业”(“见过大爷”)咯…… “海纳百川”果然合适,如果跟“从无序到有序”沾点边就更好了。

bbbush ^_^

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