F18 发行日志系统主机配置部分 Pretty 的翻译

Tommy He lovenemesis在fedoraproject.org
星期四 十二月 6 09:32:23 UTC 2012

下面这段文字中的 Pretty 应该是有其他含义的: Hostname configuration moved from /etc/sysconfig/network to
There are now three seperate classes of hostnames in use on a given
system. The pretty hostname is the high level hostname often presented
to users by their desktop environment or shell. The static hostname is
used by the kernel at boot, and is usually the system's fully
qualified domain name. A system may also have a transient hostname
assigned by a dhcp server. hostnamectl is provided for administering
these hostnames:

当前的简中翻译将 Pretty 直译为 漂亮:

目​前​在​给​定​系​统​中​存​在​有​三​种​独​立​的​主​机​名​。​漂​亮​ 主​机​名​级​别​最​高​,通​常​根​据​用
户​的​桌​面​环​境​和​ shell 呈​现​给​用​户​。​静​态​主​机​名​在​引​导​时​由​内​核​使​用​,而​且​它​一
般​是​系​统​的​完​全​合​格​域​名​。​系​统​中​可​能​还​有​临​时​主​机​名​,它​由​ dhcp 服​务​器​分​配​。
hostnamectl 用​于​这​些​主​机​名​的​管​理​:


理由:这个 pretty 主机名主要是由桌面环境使用,估计选择用这种方式查阅主机名的用户只是想知道计算机叫啥而已,于是参照其他桌面环境对于主机名的描述。不过又要跟主机名做些区分。

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